Products of Vostok Instruments
Vostok Instruments - Asset

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Bipolar Attenuator & DC SourceAttenuators are very useful modules on every system. Taking control over the amplitude and polarity of the signals becomes necessary when we want to have full control over our sounds.Asset has been designed with compact systems in mind. Is small enough to not take much space on the rack but also powerful, providing six channels with individual controls over each circuit parameter. Some design decisions make Asset a different approach from the classical “Attenuverter” circuits:The pots work in a classical unipolar way, allowing to shut down the signal completely as you don’t need to deal with its center position. It also gives you more precision as the whole range of the pot is used either to attenuate or invert, not both.Having manual switches to either invert the signal and the offset is useful when we just want to invert the signal, keeping its original amplitude intact.Input chaining adds tons of flexibility to the patch allowing the use of the same signal multiple times in different ways. A perfect functionality to use on generative or polyphonic patches.Features:• Six channels• DC Offset generator per channel• Selectable Invert mode for both attenuation and offset circuit• Daisy-chained inputs• Offset generator range: +/- 10V• Input Impedance: 100kΩ• Output Impedance: 1kΩDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Vostok Instruments - Atlas

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Quad-Core Multimode FilterWhen we talk about the sound signature of synths, filters are probably one of the first topics appearing.On Atlas, we dive into the sound of the 80s Japanese classics with four gain-cell-based multimode filters that keep the silky and creamy sound of those legendary machines along with some technical improvements like a better noise floor, an accurate resonance compensation, and a daisy-chain input implementation that makes some patching techniques like parallel filtering a lot easier.The filter cores have been carefully designed and tweaked to be pristine without losing character. With three filter modes available per channel, 4p-LP, 2p-HP, and 4p-BP, Atlas can cover almost any filtering technique, from superb filter sweeps to multi-slope resonant patches.Thanks to its precise resonance circuit, each core creates a clean sine wave when self-oscillating. Excite the inputs with fast trigger or gate signals, and you will get TR-like drum sounds, from deep kickdrums to nice toms and congas.In addition, the module counts with a CV-controlled Interpolating Scanner circuit that morphs softly between each filter output, creating new shapes and timbres as it fades between the channels.Features:• Four analog multimode, gain-cell-based VCF circuits.• Three modes per channel: 4p-LP, 2p-HP, and 4p-BP.• Resonance compensation circuit.• Daisy-chained audio and Freq inputs.• Secondary CV input, selectable between Frequency or Resonance.• CV-controlled Interpolating Scanner circuit.• Input Impedance: 100kΩ• Output Impedance: 1kΩ• CV Inputs Range: 10Vp-p• Frequency Range: ∼ 20Hz to 20KHzDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Vostok Instruments - Ceres


High-Class Linear VCA & MixerIf you have been already into the Eurorack world for a while, I’m sure you have heard the sentence: “you never have enough VCAs” more than once.As an electronic musician, this has always been present. I can’t count how many times I needed an extra VCA with all of them already being used.I wanted to create an all-around, good-sounding, and handy VCA, small enough to fit on little systems but with a good amount of channels and functionality. And this is what Ceres is.Its core, the 3360, has been used for years in dozens of devices with remarkable performance. Sum it to a carefully designed 4-layer PCB layout, and we get a super quiet VCA in terms of noise and CV bleeding.The combination of daisy-chained inputs and mixed outputs achieves a vast range of possibilities. Several CV signals can modulate a unique source with every output mixed back at the final stage to create new waveforms and open the door to experimentation.Features:• Six channels• Low noise analog VCA circuits• Precise Linear response• Quiet signal path• Daisy-chained audio inputs• Mixing stage on channel 6• Unity gain CV level: 5V• Input Impedance: 100kΩ• Output Impedance 1kΩDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Vostok Instruments - Fuji

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Hexa Core Slope GeneratorThe world of Envelope generators is a vast field where cultivating a new specie is a challenge that gets harder every day.We have lots of flavors to choose from: from classical ADSR to Serge-based Slope generators, through the newest digitally controlled multi-stage modules.The concept behind Fuji is not to create a new flavor, but to offer a big amount of the most primary envelope circuit along with some design decisions to make it a useful, immediate, and always musical tool.The slope of the envelopes is tuned with logarithmic Attack and exponential Decay. This configuration has been used for years as it follows the non-linearity of human hearing, keeping the dynamics changes always pleasant and natural to our ears.The range of both the Attack and Decay stages is symmetric, getting a minimum and maximum rise/fall time of either 1.5ms to 1.5s. This range has been also tuned to be musical and precise in most applications.Gate input chaining adds tons of flexibility to the patch. Groups of synced envelopes can be easily made with a few cables.Features:• Six channels• Fully analog AD envelope generators• Selectable Hold and LFO mode per channel• Daisy-chained Gate inputs• Envelope Level: 8V• Gate Input Threshold: 1.5VDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Vostok Instruments - Sena


Multi Channel Sound SourceVCOs are probably the most popular modules in the Eurorack world.At its most common form, an oscillator module creates different basic waveforms by shaping its core, which gives us several timbres sharing the same frequency.On Sena, we decided to reorganize those principles. We have the basic waveforms as on any VCO, but each has an independent core and frequency control. In addition, the tuning inputs of each channel are daisy-chained, allowing to create easy transpositions or detuning between them.To maximize stability and tracking accuracy, every channel is designed around the famous 3340 oscillator core, present in many legendary synths like the Roland SH-101 and Jupiter-6, Oberheim OB-Xa, and the Sequential Prophet-5.On top of that, the module counts with four dedicated CV-controlled Modifiers to extend the timbral range of each core: a two-stage Folder for the Sine, a Trapezoid shaper for the Triangle, a Phase modulator for the Saw, and a half-range Pulse-width modulator for the Square.The addition of a complete analog Noise Bank makes Sena a super powerful and compact sound source. A cornerstone for any Eurorack setup.Features:• Fully analog VCO circuits: Sine, Triangle, Saw and Square• 1V/Oct pitch tracking over eight octaves• Dedicated CV controlled Wave Modifier on each oscillator• Daisy-chained Freq inputs with onboard buffers• Selectable LFO mode per channel• Analog noise bank with White, Pink, Blue and Brown circuitsDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Vostok Instruments / DivKid- Trace


Trace is a four-channel Interpolating Scanner created in collaboration with Ben Wilson “DivKid”.Introduced by Jurgen Haible in 1994 and later improved by Donald Tillman in 1999, the Interpolating Scanning circuit is a hybrid between a signal selector and a crossfader.The circuit morphs between the inputs, fading from one to the next as the voltage control rises. The Trace version of this classic circuit comes with a custom, fine-tuned slope response that prioritizes a smooth transition between the inputs, providing interesting middle points between the channels and improving its behavior when controlled by external CV signals.Following Ben’s unique vision and module design, Trace unifies the compact form that characterizes his modules with our hardware and aesthetics.From waveform morphing and CV-controlled transitions, to audio-rate scanning. Trace brings a new horizon of patching possibilities to any system.Features:• Four channels• DC-Coupled inputs for use with both audio and CV signals.• Custom fading slope designed to improve the response on middle positions.• CV-controlled scanning with onboard attenuation and inversion of the modulation signal.• Low noise analog VCA circuits.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.