Products of Frequency Central

Hey there synth friends! It’s me, Rick of Frequency Central I founded Frequency Central in 2009, mostly as an excuse to my wife to spend more time messing around with synthesisers. Since that time, I and my small but trusty team of collaborators have endeavoured to crank out a range of fun and exciting Eurorack modules and accessories. By 2015 we’d dipped our toes into MU modular, we are now expanding further into that format. And now in 2024 we're just about to embark on a new adventure - fully standalone synthesisers. But... none of this would be possible without you! We value you deeply in a fraternal way, and we think you are rather special too. It is our honour and duty to design pointless yet fascinating audio tools to exhilarate your senses. Thank you so much for coming here, let’s hang out, turn the volume up to 1.61803399 and make ourselves unpopular with the local cats and dogs...

Frequency Central - Akropoli

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Akropoli is an extension and enhancement of our successful Little Melody and High Towers modules, offering the features of both of these modules as well as some of it’s own unique features such as mute buttons per channel, manual transpose knob and 1V/oct transpose CV input. Akropoli operates using our proprietary TOOL V2 code, and can count in integers as well as multiples for even more subtle and evolving variations:• top of the dial is /1• clockwise from the top are /2, /4, /8, /16, /32, /64, /128• anticlockwise from the top are /3, /5, /6, /7, /9, /10, /11Akropoli is a generative sequencer based around clock divisions and a chromatic quantiser, used to create in-the-moment licks and riffs. It is more that the sum of it’s parts.Akropoli’s internal operations can be considered as 4 clock dividers patched into a CV mixer via attenuators. The attenuators select notes over a 5 octave range, the clock dividers determine how often those notes are added to the mix. The final output of Akropoli is quantized chromatically for fast set up and continuously pleasing results. Akropoli has an onboard transposition knob, as well as a 1V/oct transposition CV input.The 4 clock dividers are labelled A, B, C, and D. They all receive clocks from the same source, the divisions may be selected using the presets and the individual division selectors. The clock dividers can be set to count up, down, or to one of a variety of modes that move between counting up and down. For further information on Presets and Modes see the Little Melody User Guide.Additionally, each clock divider has it’s own binary output (either high or low), these 4 outputs can be used to clock/gate/trigger other stuff on other modules to great effect.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Berlin School

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Berlin School is based around the classic CD4017 Johnson counter chip, under the control of a 16F1765 PIC which provides a few novel features.So what can Berlin School do? Well, it’s lots of fun, and far more fully featured than any old Baby 8, courtesy of being under PIC control. For example:you can externally control the length of each individual step via the DIV.CV input socket, by using another CV source, such as another Berlin School, an LFO, or evena sample and hold module – so any step can last for any clock length from 1 through to 8.You can externally control transposition of Berlin School via the TRANS.CV input socket, by using an external controller, such as another Berlin School (running at a slower speed), a 1V/oct keyboard (love this!), of any other CV source such as Little Melody for example.You can also do both of the above manually by using the DIV knob and the TRANSPOSE knob.Live tweaking of note information for each step in real time, secure in the knowledge that everything is accurately quantised.Berlin School has a 5 octave range (0V to 5V). A fun little feature is that if you’re running a sequence and then transpose it, any notes which end up beingtransposed above 5V are transposed down by one octave (rather than ‘clipping’ against the 5V ceiling), thus preserving the melody!All told, it’s hands on, tweakable, and lends itself perfectly to on-the-fly live use courtesy of the variations that are available from the use of the onboarddivider, transposition features and quantiser.Berlin School is perfectly partnered with Little Melody, and can be clocked and reset from an suitable external controller.Features:• 8 inputs (1 through to 8), each with micro-attenuators (which can be set with a small screwdriver)• 8 buffered inverted outputs (A through to H) which are 180o out of phase with the inputs• 8 buffered normal outputs (A through to H) which are in phase with the inputs• A switch matrix of 64 push on/push off switchesDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Blades Of Ingenuity


A 4 HP combined looping AR generator and triggerable LFO. Blades Of Ingenuity is a simple but surprisingly useful module consisting of two elements.Features:Attack/Release generator• one shot and looping modes• looping mode range 19 Hz to 5 secondsLow Frequency Oscillator• sawtooth/triangle/ramp switch• externally retriggerable• range from 19 Hz to 60 secondsDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Boom

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Analogue drum voice with a broad range of applications. Boom!! can be used to create bass drums, tom toms, chirps, blips and clicks. The heart of the module is a VCO which is built around one half of a LM13700. The VCO has a HIGH/LOW switch as well as a SWEEP control, which defines it’s response to the onboard envelope.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Cemvelope

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CEMvelope is based on the legendary ADSR section of the Sequential Circuits Pro-One monosynth, with minor adaptations to integrate it into Euro format. Smooth and snappy!It has a gate input as well as a trigger input, the trigger input works in conjunction with the gate input for multiple triggering from a suitable controller device.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Continuum Phaser 2

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Allpass VCF. Continuum looks and acts rather like a VCF, in fact that is exactly what a phaser is, an all-pass VCF. There is far more to phasers than just sweeps up and down from an LFO, so Continuum has two CV inputs, so you can use a variety of CV sources simultaneously.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Cosmic Background

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100% analogue fully modular super flexible drum voice module.Features:•White noise source•Release generator with voltage control•Voltage controlled filter with lowpass and highpass options•Voltage controlled amplifierDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Deep Thought


Deep Thought is a Boolean Logic module with two distinct sections each with their own pair of inputs. The upper section features addressable Boolean logic, with any one of NOT A, NOT B, AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR and XNOR being chosen either via knob or via CV input.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Dual XVCA


Roland 100M based VCAs for Eurorack. Each features two audio inputs, two CV inputs, linear and exponential response switch and Initial Gain control. High output for patching within your modular, Low output for patching to the outside World at line levels. Cool authentic retro sounds! The classic Roland VCA redesigned to use LM13700.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - High Towers

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High Towers is a programmable 4 channel voltage controlled clock divider. It is able to receive external clock and reset pulses. Divides the incoming clock pulses by 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and 128. Each of High Towers 4 assignable outputs can stream any of these divisions.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Horror Show

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Horror Show is a 4 HP combined noise generator/digital ring modulator/sub oscillator.Noise generator with filter frequency control. Filter is twin-t type. The noise output is normalised to RM X Input and also to the Sub Osc Input, so that 5 types of noise are simultaneously available, all of which can be further affected by twisting the filter frequency knob.Digital Ring Modulator, comparator based. May also be used as a pulse width modulator by patching in any audio waveform and any controller waveform.Sub oscillator with 3 simultaneous outputs: -1 square, -2 square, -2 pulse. May also be used as a clock divider.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Infinitely Maybe


Infinitely Maybe is a full featured randomness module, with a number of sources of randomness:• White noise• Pink noise• Sample and hold circuit• Random gates circuitAn onboard CV mixer allows you to mix two different sources into the sample and hold circuit. White noise is normalised to CV input 1, Pink noise is normalised to CV input 2Infinitely Maybe has an onboard clock for triggering the sample and hold circuit. This may be overridden with an external clock if required via the clock in socket.There is a built in LAG circuit, which enables the S/H OUT to slide between voltages at a predetermined rate. This function can be remotely controlled via the LAG INFinally, a random gates output is derived from the S/H Out. With the MAYBE knob at 0 a constant gate is available. The further you turn the MAYBE knob towards 10, the less likelihood of a gate is.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Klang Stadt

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Klang Stadt is the latest FC iteration of Electric Druid’s VCDO digital wavetable oscillator.Features:• CV’d interpolating waveforms• LFO• CV’d subosc waveforms and octaves, CV’d glide, bitcrushing and more!• Frequency CV input accepts 0-5V control voltages• Quantized to semitones, to cover the MIDI note range 0-63• improved PWM filtering• addition of Sub Two output• addition of Klang output• addition of Xmod feature• onboard LFO for riding the wavesDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Little Melody


Generative sequencer based around a clock divider and a chromatic quantiser. Creates in-the-moment licks and riffs. Little Melody is a generative sequencer based around clock divisions and a chromatic quantiser, used to create in-the-moment licks and riffs. It is more that the sum of it’s parts.Little Melody’s internal operations can be considered as 4 clock dividers patched into a CV mixer via attenuators. The attenuators select notes over a 5 octave range, the clock dividers determine how often those notes are added to the mix. The final output of Little Melody is quantized chromatically for fast set up and continuously pleasing results.The 4 clock dividers are labelled A, B, C, and D. They all receive clocks from the same source, the divisions may be selected using the presets and the individual division selectors. The clock dividers can be set to count up, down, or to one of a variety of modes that move between counting up and down.For further information see the Little Melody User Guide.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Logic Bomb


Logic Bomb is a Boolean logic module with two independent but identical sections.Both sections feature addressable Boolean logic, with a choice of any one of:• NOT A• NOT B• AND• NAND• OR• XOR• XNORDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Looking Glass

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Looking Glass is an 5 x 5 active patchbay/matrix mixer/switcher for both audio and control voltages.Features:• 5 inputs (1 through to 5), each with attenuators• 5 inverted outputs (A through to E) which are 180o out of phase with the inputs• 5 normal outputs (A through to E) which are in phase with the inputs• A switch matrix of 25 push on/push off switches and LED status indicatorsDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Meth Amp


Meth Amp is based around the fuzz core of the EH Big Muff pedal. Lovely fuzz and distortion based on the classic Big Muff pedal! It’ll do wooly warm fuzz, subtle tone shaping with a soft saturation/colour, feedback madness and work as a great output VCA (LPG style tones possibly too). The clipping diodes have been replaced by red LEDs to take account of the change in power supply from 9V in the original Big Muff to +/-12V in Meth Amp.To the fuzz core has been added a bunch of OTAs, each controlling a different aspect of audio processing: gain, regen (a new feature - not present in Big Muff), tone and volume. Thereby, each feature is fully voltage controllable.Additionally, there is a separate x100 preamp which can be used to boost external audio for further processing by Meth Amp. Here is a Video about it.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Monograf


20 HP hardwired synth voice for fast set up times, with a decidedly East Coast feel.Monograf is a fixed signal path monophonic synth voice with many unique features, including a number of patch points for flexibilty within a modular setting. Our aim was to design the simplest full featured and good sounding single VCO synth within as small a space as possible, while offering a broad sonic palette and fast setup times.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Polygraf


Polygraf is a step sequencer that features record/edit and playback functionality across 32 different patterns of up to 16 steps.Polygraf has four binary outputs (can be High or Low), labelled One, Two, Four, and Eight. During playback, Polygraf outputs a combination of High and Low for each of those outputs. The combinations can be edited by setting Polygraf to write mode and following the necessary procedure.Patterns: Polygraf has 30 Patterns (Patterns 1 to 30) that can be overwritten/edited, and 2 Patterns (Patterns 31and 32) that cannot be changed. Patterns are composed of up to 16 Steps (but can be recorded to be shorter).Steps: Polygraf has four binary outputs (can be High or Low), labelled One, Two, Four, and Eight. A Step outputsa specific combination of High/Low for each output. During playback, clocking advances Polygraf to the nextStep (or wraps around to Step 01 if there isn’t one). Individual output configuration can be uniquelyrepresented as a 0 to 15 number known as the State.State: A unique combination of On/Off for all of the outputs. There are 16 possible combinations thus 16possible States. We number these 00 to 15. A State’s identifying number can be determined by adding the valueof the outputs that are On. E.g. if outputs One and Four are On (and Two and Eight are Low) then the number is05 (because One + Four = 5).Pattern chaining: When in Play mode, Polygraf’s STATE potentiometer is used to determined the pattern chaining mode. Thepotentiometer acts as a four position switch. When changing between positions on the switch, Polygraf’s 7 segmentdisplays briefly indicate which position you are in, eg briefly showing ‘02’ to indicate the second position.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Product

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Full featured, fully modular synthesiser for Eurorack with a pre-patched normalised signal path for quick setup.A combination of the XVCO TWO, Raging Bull 3.0 VCF/VCA, and System X Envelope, where each section can be used completely individually or as part of the larger whole.Onboard LFO for PWM and FM and Noise Source.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.