4ms - Meta Module

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The MetaModule puts real knobs and jacks on virtual software modules. Step back from the computer and make music with hardware, while keeping the flexibility and expandability of software.THIS PRODUCT IS ASSEMBLED AND NO DIY!The MetaModule comes with over 160 built-in modules from 4ms Company, Befaco, HetrickCV, NonlinearCircuits, and Scanner Darkly, plus clones of popular classics such as the Mutable Instruments Eurorack modules, fun physical modeling algorithms, and lots of handy utilities.All of the included modules are also available on the computer using the free program VCV Rack. Whether you make patches on VCV Rack and transfer them to the MetaModule, or if you just create patches directly on the MetaModule, there are plenty of creative modules to inspire new ways to make music.MetaModule PluginsIf the 160+ built-in module aren’t enough, you can load more modules as plugins. Already there are over 200 modules in third-party plugins from Bogaudio, Valley, ChowDSP, NANO Modular, and the list is growing. We have an SDK available to make it easy for VCV Rack plugin developers to convert their plugin to a MetaModule plugin. Our licensing terms are non-restrictive: developers are welcome to distribute their plugin in any way they wish, commercially or not.Mapping Knobs and JacksThe MetaModule has 12 knobs that can be mapped to virtual knobs. Each knob can be mapped to up eight virtual knobs, and each mapping can have a different range and offset. You also can save a group of mappings as a Knob Set and switch between Knob Sets with the encoder. You also can map the 8 inputs and 8 outputs to virtual module jacks. Also, the MetaModule is a USB MIDI host, so you also can map MIDI CC, note, gate, and other parameters to knobs and jacks.ExpandersThere are lots of ways to customize your MetaModule. A Wifi expander allows you to wirelessly transfer patches from your computer. Add eight more knobs with the Knob expander, or buttons with the Button expander. A CV/Audio expander adds more high-resolution inputs and outputs, and the Gate In/Out expander adds not only gate jacks but also TRS MIDI and I2C.Under the HoodThere are six CV/Audio inputs, two gate inputs, and six CV/Audio outputs. The CV/Audio jacks are all 24-bit, 48kHz DC-coupled, -10V to +10V. A USB-C jack accepts MIDI devices and thumb drives. Patches and plugins can be loaded via a USB drive or microSD Card, and internal flash memory lets you save patches you always want to come back to.The processor is more advanced than anything 4ms has used in the past, and is among the most powerful processors found in Eurorack. Startup time and latency are blazingly fast.Features:Patches• Patches are loaded from microSD Card, USB drive, or via the Wifi expander• Patches can be optionally saved onto internal flash memory• Create patches using VCV Rack or directly on MetaModule• Patches can be given a name and descriptionMappings• Map each physical knob to up to 8 virtual knobs• Set range and offset for each mapping, including inverted control• Knob mappings are grouped into Knob Sets, and changing Knob Sets can be done quickly without menu-diving• Map physical jacks to virtual jacks, seamlessly making splits/mults• Add or edit modules, cables, and mappings in real-time while the patch is playing• Create alias names for mappings like "Kick Drum Level"Interface• Simple, intuitive graphical interface lets you zoom in on details, or zoom out to get a big picture• Patch View displays the patch as faceplates and cables, with knobs, buttons, and lights animating in real-time• Knob Set View simplifies the display, showing only the mapped knobs for the current Knob Set• Module View shows just one module and lists the names of each jack, knob, and control legibly• Mapping View lets you adjust details of a knob mapping• Adjust styles and visual preferences to your liking• Save, rename, duplicate, and delete patches• Firmware updater and plugin loader read from microSD Card or USB driveHardware• 12 Knobs• 8 CV/Audio outputs, 24-bit 48kHz, -10V to +10V, DC-coupled• 6 CV/Audio inputs, 24-bit 48kHz, -10V to +10V, DC-coupled• 2 Gate inputs• USB-C jack: MIDI Host or MSC (External drive) Host• microSD Card slot• Internal Flash RAM for additional patch storage• Dual-core 800MHz Cortex-A7 plus Cortex-M4 co-processor• 512MB DDR3 533MHz RAM• Bare-metal operation for fast startup and low latencyDIY-Kit-Type:Assembled unit. This is completely ready to use, nothing to solder or to assemble.
4ms - Noise Swash


The Noise Swash is a chaotic random noise-maker and CV generator, generating its own sounds or working as an audio processor. As a stand-alone device it generates unpredictable continuously morphing oscillations on the Audio Output jack, and random CV fluctuations out the dual-direction "Mood CV" jack. A second CV input jack controls the Swash and Noisegate sections with positive and negative CV voltage. An audio input jack allows for distorting an audio signal beyond recognition, or using audio to trigger and modulate the chaos. The Swash knob is a 10-turn Bourns pot for adjusting minor variations. Each Swash has its own peculiarly unique sound.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
4ms - Sampler

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The Sampler plays stereo or mono .wav files from an SD Card. Samples are arranged into banks by placing .wav files into folders (each folder is a bank). A maximum of 10 samplers can be loaded in a bank, and there is a maximum of 60 bank (600 samples maximum total). Sample files are limited to 4GB each, which is over 6 hours at 44k/16b/stereo. • Hundreds of samples included on microSD card • Extremely quiet, low noise and low jitter design • Stereo or Mono output A knob and CV jack selects the Sample to play, and the Start Position knob and CV jack control where in the sample playback will begin. The Length knob and CV jack determine how much of the sample is played back: from tiny grains, to percussive hits, to longer loops... or just the entire file. Pressing Play or firing a trigger into the Play Trig jack will play the sample. Holding the Play button down for a second will toggle looping. There's also a Reverse button and jack for backwards playback, and an End Out jack for synchronizing loops, or cascading sample playback with other events. To record samples, hold Play and Reverse for two seconds. Press Play again or fire a trigger into the Play/Rec Trig jack to start and stop recording. Each recording will create a new stereo 48kHz 24bit .wav file in the current bank's folder. Recordings can be as long as your card has the capacity for: a 256GB card is 18 days of continuous recording (432.9 hours). Audio data is split into maximum 4GB wav files on the microSD card. Included with the DIY Sampler Kit: • Main PCB • Faceplate • All components required for assembly (resistors, capacitors, diodes, ICs, sockets, headers, voltage regulator, jacks, buttons, SD card slot, potentiometers, knobs) • Pre-programmed and pre-soldered "DSP Brain-Board" • 16GB micro SD card (class 10) with 4ms Sample Pack 2022 • SD adaptor • 10-to-16 pin power cable • M3 screws Features: • Play button/trigger jack: Tapping the button or receiving a trigger starts/re-starts the sample • Sample CV/knob: select which sample within the channel's bank • Pitch CV and Pitch knob: playback pitch (-10 to +4 octave range) • Start Pos CV/knob: position in the sample to begin playback (loop start point) • Length CV/knob: playback time (loop end point) • Length knob at max: entire file is played • Length knob 50%-99%: 200ms - 5s of the sample is played (beginning at the Start Position) • Length knob <50%: Percussive decay envelope is applied to the playback (attack-only envelope if playing Reverse) • Length <1%: Tiny grains are played (can be used to sweep through sample file data manually) • Reverse button/jack: toggles forward/backwards • Bank button: selects channel's bank • Reverse+Start Pos button/knob combo allows for setting volume of playback • Audio Inputs: 20Hz to 10kHz (+/-0.1dB); -6dB rolloff @ 20kHz / 21V peak-to-peak maximum before clipping • Audio Outputs: 0Hz (DC) to 22kHz with maximum -1.8dB difference between file data and output / +10.5V to -10.5V maximum output DIY-Kit-Type: THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 104 VC T-Networks


Following our ADDAC103 T-Networks this new module is also inspired by Twin T-Networks circuits used in many legendary drum machines. A simple 4 voice module with frequency controls for each of the voices. This new module also features CV inputs with attenuverters for each voice Frequency. Due to the specificities of the circuit and to keep the module at a low price these inputs are not calibrated to 1v/octave.At each voice input there’s a gate to trigger converter so any input source is possible.Audio inputs can also be used as an input, in this case and due to the nature of the gate to trigger converter, each voice can be used as very destructive filters.The top 2 channels feature a higher frequency range, the bottom 2 channels feature a lower frequency range.Features:4 voices each with:• Frequency control with CV input and attenuverter Frequency Range Switch, Low/Mod/High• Trigger Input• Audio Output• Summing Mix output with Volume controlDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.(Test)
ADDAC System - 105 4 Voice Cluster


Following our ADDAC103 T-Networks this new module is inspired by its simplicity. This is a 4 voice Square Oscillator with VCA, FM switch and a slew decay for the incoming Trigger IN. All voices are then sent through a Multimode Filter.Each voice has its own VCA input where any input is accepted (Trigger, Gate, CV). The [DECAY] controls the slew decay applied to the incoming signal, if [DECAY] is fully anti-clockwise then it works as a Mute. The [FM ON] switches activate/deactivate the FM input coming from the previous voice: Voice 1 FM comes from voice 4, voice 2 FM comes from voice 1, and so on, so you can FM all of them in a FM loop.All 4 voices are summed and sent through a filter with controls over [CUTOFF] with an Attenuverter for the CV input and [RESONANCE]. Three filter outputs are provided [LOWPASS], [BANDPASS] and [HIGHPASS]The [EXTERNAL IN] input can be routed through a jumper on the back of the module allowing the incoming signal to go to:1. the filter input for processing an external audio source;2. all of the 4 voices Frequency control allowing for some experimental CV control over pitch of all 4 voices at the same time (due to the specificities of the circuit and to keep the module at a low price these inputs are not calibrated to 1v/octave).DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 106 T-Noiseworks


This is the last module in our T-Networks series, a straightforward 4 voice module with frequency and decay controls for each of the voices. As the name already unveils we added a noise source and created 2 different circuits that explore the timbre of a t-network when used to filter noise.There are 2 different circuits in this module: voices 1 to 3 have a pre-vca t-network filter while in voice 4 the t-networks filter applied post-vca.At each voice input there’s a switch that sets which type of input to use; this signal will be used to control an internal VCA hence why the type of setting defined here is important:1. Trigger - Any incoming CV will be converted into a 1ms trigger as soon as it crosses its fixed threshold.2. Mute - This disconnects then incoming signal effectivelly muting the voice.3. Envelopes - This can be used with CV sources as well as Gate sources and simply follows the input signal.This incoming signal will then be processed by a slew circuit which adds a decay factor allowing the user to set the “Tail” of each voice.Trigger mode is mostly dedicated for percussive sounds while the Envelope mode is open to any external envelope control and able to control noise swooshes, swirls, crackles and pops simply out of t-networks filtered noise.Audio inputs also welcome use as a Trigger/Envelope input, in fact the results of using this method had us all extremely surprised, so please do try it out!Diferences between voices:The first 3 voices also feature a Timbre selector switch: Hat/SnareIn Snare mode all frequencies coming from the t-networks filter pass through to the output .In Hat mode it adds a High Pass circuit which removes the mid/bottom frequencies (characteristic of the snare strike) creating a higher spectrum output which is closer to a Hat timbre.All of these 3 voices are also differently tuned from each other to offer more timbrical options.Voice 4 is closer to a typical t-networks circuit but this time a peculiar one where the noise is gated by the vca and then sent through the t-networks filter.Hat and Snare are terms used very loosely here; they are timbrical references and do not in any shape or form try to effectively replicate the complex timbres of a real world Hat or Snare.Features:4 Voices each with:• Frequency control• Decay control• Timbre type, Hat/Snare (Voice 1 to 3)• Frequency Range Switch, Low/Mod/High (Voice 4) Input• Audio Output• Also and overall Summing Mix output with Volume control and 2 diferent output types (Normal/Dirt)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
ADDAC System - 107 Acid Source


We started this module with the idea of developing a complex drum source. However, somewhere along the process we noticed how much better it performed as a synth voice and simply embraced this lucky accident.It features a VCO with a [FREQUENCY] and [FINE TUNE] knob plus a dedicated CV Input and Attenuator knob (tunable over 4 octaves). The VCO waveform output is achieved by selecting either a Triangle or Saw through a switch. The selected waveform can then be mixed/balanced against the square wave. The resulting mix is then sent to the Filter.The Filter features a [CUTOFF] and [RESO] resonance knob plus a Cutoff CV Input and Attenuverter knob.A 3 position switch is used to select the filter type: Highpass, Bandpass or Lowpass. The resulting output is then sent to the VCA.The VCA features an Input with [INPUT GAIN] knob which at maximum can amplify the incoming signal by a factor of 2.This is a very important control, it accepts any signal Trigger, Gate or CV. Whatever input is plugged in the signal is then fed through an AD with a very short attack and controllable decay through the [VCA DECAY] knob plus the CV Input and Attenuverter knob. The resulting slewed signal is then used to control the VCA gain. This signal is also sent to the CV OUTPUT as well as the LED monitor.The Accent input adds to the Input signal creating a different amplitude output. The CV OUTPUT is normalled to the Frequency and Cutoff inputs.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
AtoVproject - cDVCA (Black)

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cDVCA or class-D VCA is a new kind of VCA based on an entirely novel concept that is inspired from class-D amplification technology. This is not a transparent VCA and brings a lot of character to the sound.The first VCA that tracks 1V/octConcept: The input signal is turned into an ultrasonic PWM signal (~34kHz). The PWM is scaled to the desired amplitude and then filtered back down to the original signal.The twist: The PWM frequency can be lowered down into the audio spectrum and the frequency can be controlled via its 1V/oct input allowing for crazy waveshaping that tracks your melodies.The drive controls an innovative clipping method that does not rely on overdriving any circuitry and therefore results in distortions with a very defined character.The signal then goes into a 1 pole VCF/tone circuit that allows to keep things under some amount of control as the harmonics produced by this module can be very aggressive.With no input the module generates a simple square wave and therefore can be used a simple synth voice (VCO→VCA-VCF)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
AtoVproject - cDVCA (Silver)

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cDVCA or class-D VCA is a new kind of VCA based on an entirely novel concept that is inspired from class-D amplification technology. This is not a transparent VCA and brings a lot of character to the sound.The first VCA that tracks 1V/octConcept: The input signal is turned into an ultrasonic PWM signal (~34kHz). The PWM is scaled to the desired amplitude and then filtered back down to the original signal.The twist: The PWM frequency can be lowered down into the audio spectrum and the frequency can be controlled via its 1V/oct input allowing for crazy waveshaping that tracks your melodies.The drive controls an innovative clipping method that does not rely on overdriving any circuitry and therefore results in distortions with a very defined character.The signal then goes into a 1 pole VCF/tone circuit that allows to keep things under some amount of control as the harmonics produced by this module can be very aggressive.With no input the module generates a simple square wave and therefore can be used a simple synth voice (VCO→VCA-VCF)DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - Kickall

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Kickall is a 6HP compact synth voice that features everything needed to make a big fat Kick sound. A stable VCO that tracks V/Oct, a couple of VCAs, envelopes for volume and pitch and an aggressive waveshaper.The module has been designed with a kick synthesis patch in mind.The audio path consists of a sinewave oscillator that passes across a Square Waveshaper and two VCA’s. The first VCA is for the Volume envelope. The second VCA is dedicated to general volume. Thanks to his CV input, it is possible o apply accents or affects the dynamics of notes. Feeding this input with audio generates a basic AM operation expanding the sonic range of the module.In the control path, KickAll has two envelope circuits to modulate the first VCA oscillator’s pitch. Both envelopes are fired at the same time manually or via dedicated trigger input.Through its Tune input, KickAll tracks eight octaves with high accuracy. Plug your favourite sequencer or CV source to create patterns out of the kick range, or feed it with an audio signal, for frequency modulation Fx.Features:• Accurate V/oct tracking.• CV controllable Sine to Square waveshaper.• CV controlled envelope decay for main VCA.• CV control over General volume (after VCA).• Wide range pitch envelope control.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - Noise Plethora


Noise Plethora is a multitimbral noise monster in 14HP.The module consists of three digital sound generators, followed by three analog multimode Filters. This combination makes it easy to sculpt different textures and noises and play with them intuitively and musically.The first two channels let you choose from dozens of different algorithms and can be controlled dynamically by two CV controls.Textures, rumbles, low-fi blips, spikes, oscillator clusters, harsh noises, and much more can be chosen and changed on the fly.The third channel has three independent outs: Gritty noise to create crispy and crackling soundscapes, White noise, and a filtered version with either of those two.Features:• Two digital noise channels based on different algorithm banks• Two CV controlled parameters per algorithm• Analog Multimode Filter per channel (OTA based)• White and Granular Noise dedicated outputsed outputs.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Befaco - Oneiroi

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Experimental synth voice focused on ambient pads and drone-like soundscapes.Features:• Stereo External input with selectable gain.• 5-second looper Records either the stereo input or the module’s output• Sine oscillator• Supersaw oscillator• Wavetable oscillator that uses the Looper buffer• Multimode filter: low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, and comb filter.• 3-band resonator• 2-tap echo• Reverb with macro control for size, filtering, and direction.• CV Control with attenuators on most parameters.• Various types of self-modulation with configurable routing and control over level and speed.• External synchronization via sync input.• Powerful randomizer with four different targets, three levels of intensity and undo/redo.• Knobs catch behavior functionality for re-coupling parameters’ positions.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Chair Audio - Ilse


Ilse is an elegantly minimal, yet fully functional synthesizer voice in a compact 10 HP Eurorack module. The only thing you need to let it meow is a CV source to trigger its 1V/Oct frequency input (or a MIDI to CV converter and a MIDI sequencer) . Because it has a low part count it is ideal for Eurorack beginners or entry-level DIY projects.Ilse is named after a cat, living in the legendary “Villa” in Weimar, Germany. The “Villa” was a place where a community lived and came together. Many underground concerts and parties took place here before the house got sold, renovated, and the mayor moved in. We created the graphics on the aluminum face-plate in her memory. Ilse (the synth) makes great acid sounds, so it was only logical to illustrate a cat tripping. Turn the knobs to make her look around or roll her eyes.Ilse is designed to be affordable, easy to build, yet flexible, and feature rich. It is a synthesizer voice for your Eurorack, but can even be driven without a rack using two 9V batteries (not included).Ilse is fully open source (KiCad schematic and layout is available in a git repository) and inspired by Syntherjack’s single-chip synthesizer Totoro. Check out his website with nice explanations, e.g. on the filter (we use the same filter on Ilse). We extended the design for external voltage control on filter, oscillators and LFO. Unlike Totoro, Ilse is designed around a unique oscillator design, which integrates the exponential conversion directly into the oscillator core. This results in an efficient circuitry saving you build time, parts and costs.PCB and face-plate are manufactured in the EU.Features:Functions• Two saw tooth oscillators• Bridged-T low pass filter with resonance control• Triangle LFO with speed control, and routing to filter and/or oscillators• Simple mixer and detune for oscillatorsControls• LFO Speed, Filter Modulation, Osc Modulation• Filter Cutoff, Filter Resonance• Tuning, Osc2 Detune• Osc1/Osc2 (Filter in)• Output volumeInput/Output• 1V/Oct CV for oscillators (0-5V)• Gate (0-5V)• Filter cutoff (0-5V)• External filter input• Volume controlled output• LFO Speed (linear, via solder pad on back, 0-8V)• Oscillator 2 detune (linear, via via solder pad on back, 0-8V)DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Djupviks Elektronik - Beneath The Bush Of Ghosts

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Quad Lo-fi Looping SamplerBeneath the Bush of Ghosts is a 26 HP Quad Lo-fi sampler based on the ISD1820 IC chip which is an old answering machine chip. This module is inspired by several other projects based on the ISD1820 chip. Each of the four channels are identical to each other with some sneaky normalisation going on between the channels for extra fun!There is a mix output which combines all the dry inputs with the sampler outputs, while the individual outs of each channel only contain the sampler output. Each individual output is cross modulated with the channel next to it in pairs, so 1-2 modulate each other and 3-4 the same way. Each output is also normalled to the following input, 1-2-3-4 and 4 goes back to input 1. This means you can do generation loss (i.e. disintegrating loops) with some clever patching. Each channel has a filter with lowpass to the left and high pass to the right, as well as a pitch knob with a dedicated cv input and attenuator. There is also a dedicated trig input for each channel, and control buttons for the following functions: record in, momentary play and full play of the sample. The trig inputs need a +5v gate to operate. Samples can be played on loop by engaging the ‘Loop’ switch at the top of each channel.Recording instructions: In order to record you need to turn the loop switch off, set the pitch to around the 10 to 2 o’clock (you can experiment with this), the CV knob will usually influences the sample speed so make sure it is fully CCW. Insert an input signal (or use the looping sampler next to it) and hit record, the LED will turn off while recording, and light up again when the memory of the chip is full. It’s a simple as that!*** Djupviks has sent us 2 different versions of the unit, it's just a minor difference and no difference in functionality. Please download both manuals and check which version you have, please. ***DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Djupviks Elektronik - Shakti

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No Input Feedback MixerShakti contains no less than 3 different feedback loops in a very small 4HP package. There are 2 internal loops represented by the pots FEEDBACK and FEEDBACK II.Where FEEDBACK is a normal signal, FEEDBACK II is an inverted signal and RECEIVE is an external path (one that you send out from the module, through any other modules of your choice and then back again).When working with feedback all three of these will intermingle fast which means both FEEDBACK pots and RECEIVE knobs will affect each other. A filter is attached to the first feedback path but since all signals will intermingle in this circuit (it is a mixer after all) the filter will affect all three paths.Starting with the knob in the middle, it has a lowpass filter to the right and high pass to the left. OUTPUT I contains the inverted signal whereas OUTPUT II contains the normal signal. Shakti can be used as a stereo module since the 2 outputs can differ drastically at times.!! WARNING !! DEALING WITH FEEDBACK CAN BE HAZARDOUS TO YOUR EARS AND GEAR SUCH AS OTHER MODULES, SPEAKERS, DAWS, MIXERS ETC. TO BE SURE YOU HAVE HEALTHY LEVELS ALWAYS PLACE AN ATTENUATOR OR ATTENUATED MIXER OUTPUT BETWEEN YOUR MODULAR AND OTHER GEAR. WE TAKE NO RESPONSIBILITY IF GEAR WITHIN YOUR MODULAR OR OUTSIDE IS HARMED BECAUSE OF SHAKTI. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! PROCEED WITH CAUTION!DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Exploding Shed - Christmas Tree Module

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It's christmas time in your modular rack and this year we invented a proper christmas tree module! The LEDs of the tree change color and are used as oscillators to generate weirdo-sound. There are four sections with two LEDs each which modulate each other. You can patch the oscillator outs to the left or right output with mini-patch wires.With this DIY kit you have 2 options:1) The tree can be used standalone with a 9V battery as a simple light effect which is standing on a table etc. In this version there is no audio possible.2) You complete the whole module and solder the tree to the panel. Then you can make use of the full audio possibilities.This kit is perfect to build it with your kids or finally convince your partner, that modular maybe isn't that bad.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Feedback Modules - SUB

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As the name suggests this module can produce sub frequencies of -1 and -2 octaves relative to the square wave signal provided at the input jack.But this is not just a simple SUB generator. It also has a little mixer that will let you add different levels of -1 and -2 octave signals to the original square wave. You can select the -2 octave signal to be a square wave or a pulse wave.The module has individual outputs for the mixed signal, the -1 octave and the -2 octave.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Horror Show


Horror Show is a 4 HP combined noise generator/digital ring modulator/sub oscillator.Noise generator with filter frequency control. Filter is twin-t type. The noise output is normalised to RM X Input and also to the Sub Osc Input, so that 5 types of noise are simultaneously available, all of which can be further affected by twisting the filter frequency knob.Digital Ring Modulator, comparator based. May also be used as a pulse width modulator by patching in any audio waveform and any controller waveform.Sub oscillator with 3 simultaneous outputs: -1 square, -2 square, -2 pulse. May also be used as a clock divider.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Infinitely Maybe


Infinitely Maybe is a full featured randomness module, with a number of sources of randomness:• White noise• Pink noise• Sample and hold circuit• Random gates circuitAn onboard CV mixer allows you to mix two different sources into the sample and hold circuit. White noise is normalised to CV input 1, Pink noise is normalised to CV input 2Infinitely Maybe has an onboard clock for triggering the sample and hold circuit. This may be overridden with an external clock if required via the clock in socket.There is a built in LAG circuit, which enables the S/H OUT to slide between voltages at a predetermined rate. This function can be remotely controlled via the LAG INFinally, a random gates output is derived from the S/H Out. With the MAYBE knob at 0 a constant gate is available. The further you turn the MAYBE knob towards 10, the less likelihood of a gate is.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Frequency Central - Klang Stadt

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Klang Stadt is the latest FC iteration of Electric Druid’s VCDO digital wavetable oscillator.Features:• CV’d interpolating waveforms• LFO• CV’d subosc waveforms and octaves, CV’d glide, bitcrushing and more!• Frequency CV input accepts 0-5V control voltages• Quantized to semitones, to cover the MIDI note range 0-63• improved PWM filtering• addition of Sub Two output• addition of Klang output• addition of Xmod feature• onboard LFO for riding the wavesDIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.