Black Noise Modular specializes in the production of handcrafted boutique Eurorack modules in Dijon, France. They design distinctive, innovative and high-quality tools for sound explorers who want to delve into unexplored sonic worlds. Their commitment to quality, sound and functionality is rock solid, allowing you to unleash your creativity with ease.
Cosmos is a new kind of module that will help you to creating complex modulation, sounds, patterns with ease and will lead you to new sounds territories.Inspired by early analog computers, Cosmos is a unique, innovative, very flexible and fully analog module allowing it to be used as: VCO, LFO, Ring Mod, Polarizer, “VCA”, “LPG”, Phase Lock Loop, Cross-Modulation, Minimum, Maximum, Logic Gates, Waveshaper, Complex gate generator, Fuzz, Distorsion, Gate extractor, Trig extractor, Gate generator, Voltage generator, Trig Generator, comparator, window comparator, complex comparator, Half-Rectifier, Full-Rectifier, Inverter, Buffered Multiples, Mixer, Difference, Compressor, Sidechain, compressor, VC Clipper, VC Switch, Clock doubler, Envelope follower, and more.With its wide fields of application Cosmos can replace many modules but it will also bring new colors to your palette thanks to its unique character. This makes Cosmos the ideal module whether you have a small case or a big system. 100% analog and with an intuitive interface Cosmos is also very easy to use, no menu and button combo problems.Inspired by the past and crafted for the future, 100% analog Cosmos was not only thought to be the center of any system but also to blend perfectly with the rest of your case to form a consistent and coherent system.Cosmos was designed not only to be a swiss army knife module but also to push you to explore and you help create new sounds and explore sonic territories that were previously unattainable.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
DBM-S is the simplest yet ultimate 1U solution to distribute incoming signals to up to 8 destinations without signal loss, distortion, or interference.DBM-S clever design provides you maximum flexibility, use it a dual channel to create 4 buffered copies of 2 signals or as single channel and get up to 8 buffered copies of the same signal!Build with high-quality components for low noise and high accuracy, DBM-S create perfect copies of the original signal even for pitch CV. After all, quality isn't just a feature, it's our commitment.We believe that form must follows function, but great design blends them seamlessly. With our black and gold signature, DBM-S is not just a high quality utility, it’s a part of a system where each part contributes to the overall strength and quality of this system.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
DC is a unique and innovative module that combines the strength of both Averager and Unity Gain mixers without their weaknesses. Along with some additional unique features that make it stand out from other mixers on the market.To create DC we had to rethink the mixer, start from scratch, try new design, prototype many circuits and fail in order to succeed. The result is DC a new type of mixer that offer low noise floor, stable output signal and mix accurately signal without introducing any distortion, clipping, attenuation or unwanted noise and those regardless of the number of inputs signals or their gain.We called this new mixer design a «Combinator,» and the name «DC» stands for «Dual Combinator.» This versatile mixer can function as a dual-channel, mixing up to 3 inputs into a single output, or as a single-channel, allowing up to 5 inputs to be mixed into a single output.We put time and effort into the design of DC because we think that it is an essential module in any Eurorack system. It offers a ratio size, functionality, simplicity that no other mixer offers.DC may seem like a simple utility module, but make no mistake, small things done well can make a big difference.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
DC-S is a unique and innovative module that combines the strength of both Averager and Unity Gain mixers without their weaknesses. Along with some additional unique features that make it stand out from other mixers on the market.To create DC-S we had to rethink the mixer, start from scratch, try new design, prototype many circuits and fail in order to succeed. The result is DC-S a new type of mixer that offer low noise floor, stable output signal and mix accurately signal without introducing any distortion, clipping, attenuation or unwanted noise and those regardless of the number of inputs signals or their gain.We called this new mixer design a «Combinator,» and the name «DC-S» stands for «Dual Combinator.» This versatile mixer can function as a dual-channel, mixing up to 4 inputs into a single output, or as a single-channel, allowing up to 7 inputs to be mixed into a single output.We put time and effort into the design of DC-S because we think that it is an essential module in any Eurorack system. It offers a ratio size, functionality, simplicity that no other mixer offers.DC-s may seem like a simple utility module, but make no mistake, small things done well can make a big difference.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
DUAL MULTI is a dual buffered multiple.It can be configured as 1 input 6 outputs 1:6 or 2 inputs and 3 outputs each 1:3.Input 2 is normaled to input 1, if nothing is plugged into input 2 you will have 6 copies of input 1 else you will have 3 copies of input 1 and 3 copies of input 2.Buffered multiples have advantages over passive multiples. Since passive multiples split the signal, in case of voltage-critical signal such as V/Oct to VCO, the pitch will vary from one output to the other. With buffered multiples each output will be a perfect copy of the input. Because buffered multis isolate their outputs from the input, any faults or shorts present at the input will not pass through to a connected module.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Dual Rectifier II is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be used as an AC to DC converter, a distorsion, a complex waveform generator, a frequency doubler, a clock doubler or an envelope follower and more.Like all our modules, Dual Rectifier II is built with high-quality components only and designed to offer the best performance.Whether you're starting a small system or have a wall full of modules, Dual Rectifier II is a must-have for any Eurorack system.DUAL RECTIFIER II is divided into two sections:On top section the Positive Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 1.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be rectified.On bottom section the Negative Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 2.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be rectified.By default input 2 is normaled to output 1 (inverted) of the top section.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Dual Rectifier II - S is a small yet versatile and essential module for any Eurorack system. It can be used as an AC to DC converter, a distorsion, a complex waveform generator, a frequency doubler, a clock doubler or an envelope follower and more.Like all our modules, Dual Rectifier II is built with high-quality components only and designed to offer the best performance.Whether you're starting a small system or have a wall full of modules, Dual Rectifier II - S is a must-have for any Eurorack system.DUAL RECTIFIER II - S is divided into two sections:On top section the Positive Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 1.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 1 below 0V will be rectified.On bottom section the Negative Rectifier offer 1 input and 3 outputs :-Output 1 is an Inverted copy of input 2.-Output 2 Half-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be remove.-Output 3 Full-rectified, signal from input 2 above 0V will be rectified.By default input 2 is normaled to output 1 (inverted) of the top section.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
As its name implies, EG LFO is composed of an Envelope Generator and an LFO.The envelope generator offers control over Rise, Hold and Fall time. Two ranges of envelopes are available: slow and fast. You can also modify the speed off the fast mode using the speed expander on the back of the module.At the output you will find the envelope output and an inverted copy of the envelope.EG LFO II also features a LFO mode, the speed can be controlled by using the rise and fall control. Two speed modes are available, LFO range in slow mode and audio range in fast mode. You can modify the speed off the fast mode using the speed expander on the back of the module.At the output you will find the LFO output and an inverted copy of the LFO.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-2. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. It includes SMD and through-hole parts! For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
GOMA stands for Generator, Offset, Mixer, Attenuverter.The idea behind GOMA was to make an improved version of the classic 3 Attenuator / Attenuverter modules.We wanted to design a high-end, yet small module so it could fit in any case. We want it to be ergonomic and easy to use despite its size. But we also wanted to pack as much features as possible in it to make it a "swiss knife module".The result is GOMA a 4 HP modules made of high-end components for max precision (low tolerance resistors, low noise/distortion opamps). Each channel can be set as Attenuator or Attenuverter using the dedicate switch. Each channel can be normalized to +5 or +10V using the dedicate switch. We have taken great care in the design and choice of switches to avoid switching by accident when tweaking the knobs. We have added LEDs to make it easy to use in dark environments. We have added feedback LEDs on each channel so you can spot the state of the output at anytime.And we added, which is maybe the best feature, daisy chain! You can easily daisy chain multiple GOMA modules to create virtually infinite mixer/offset generators.GOMA is 100% analog so the switches keep there states even when your rack is off.GOMA is so flexible that we use it in all our patchs, we are very pleased about it and we hope you'll like it as much as we do.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
GOMA II is our new take on the classic attenuvertermixer concept. It stands for Generator, Offset, Mixer, Attenuverter.Featuring 4 channels within a 4HP width, GOMA II pushes the boundaries of space efficiency, maintaining intuitive operation and high-end components for max precision (low tolerance resistors, low noise/distortion opamps).GOMA II offers 4 channels to attenuate or polarize (attenuverter) any audio or CV signal. Additionally, each channel can act as a high precision voltage generator (–5V to +5V) to offset another channel or control external parameters.The 4 channels can be processed separately or summed through cascade mixing, which can extend further than a single module since all the GOMA family (I, II, Pro) can be daisy chained to unlock virtually infinite mixing.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
The GOMA Pro pushes the boundaries of the attenuverter-mixer concept.Attenuator, attenuverter, offset generator, voltage generator, waveshaper, distorsion, GOMA Pro can do all of that and more. Engineered for precision, GOMA Pro is crafted using high-quality components to ensure maximum accuracy, including low-tolerance resistors and low-noise op-amps.GOMA Pro offers 3 channels fully analog to amplify (up to x10 gain!), attenuate or polarize (attenuverter) any signal, from CV, audio to line level sources.Additionally, each channel can act as a high precision voltage generator (–10V to +10V) to offset another channel or control external parameters.The 3 channels can be processed separately or summed through cascade mixing, which can extend further than a single module since all the GOMA family (I, II, Pro) can be daisy chained to unlock virtually infinite mixing.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
Now introducing PIPE in our sleek Black & Gold theme, featuring a reversible faceplate. Feel like installing your PIPE upside down? No worries – just unscrew the 8 jnuts, flip the faceplate, and put everything back together and Voila! You can now use your PIPE with the connector facing down!With the ability to connect up to 8 inputs or outputs via an ethernet cable, the PIPE-S makes it easy to connect multiple cases together or avoid any cable mess accross a case. This makes it the perfect solution for simply setting up your Eurorack system in the studio or a live gig.But that's not all, PIPE can also be used as a multiple passive 3 section. Want to transmit precise signals like pitch CV and want to avoid crosstalk induced by passive multiples? No worries you can easily deactivate this function for each section from the connector at the back of the module.The best part is that PIPE is completely passive which means you can place it anywhere, it doesn't draw any current from your power supply, which perhaps makes it the simplest DIY module!PIPE modules are sold by pair.The ethernet cable is not supplied with the modulesRegarding Ethernet cableWe recommend shielded Straight-Thru RJ45 cable.Using un-shielded or Crossover cable won't damage your modules but you may experience noise and or mixed channels.Due to its passive nature we also recommend to avoid long ethernet cables.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
With the ability to connect up to 8 inputs or outputs via an ethernet cable, the PIPE-S makes it easy to connect multiple case together or avoid any cable mess accross a case. This makes it the perfect solution for simply setting up your Eurorack system in the studio or a live gig.But that's not all, PIPE-S can also be used as a multiple passive 3 section. Want to transmit precise signals like pitch CV and want to avoid crosstalk induced by passive multiples? No worries you can easily deactivate this function for each section from the connector at the back of the module.The best part is that PIPE-S is completely passive which means you can place it anywhere, it doesn't draw any current from your power supply, which perhaps makes it the simplest DIY module!PIPE-S modules are sold in pairs.The ethernet cable is not supplied with the modulesRegarding Ethernet cableWe recommend shielded Straight-Thru RJ45 cable.Using un-shielded or Crossover cable won't damage your modules but you may experience noise and or mixed channels.Due to its passive nature we also recommend to avoid long ethernet cables.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
The idea behind QBI is to fulfill two fundamental functions when patching:• Duplicate a signal• Invert a signalThese are two basic yet important and essential functions when patching. But even though they are important, we wanted them to take up as little space as possible.Therefore we imagined QBI, a module of only 2HP capable of:• Invert 4 different signals with very high precision.• Duplicate a signal on 3 outputs without losses.• Duplicate and invert a signal on 4 outputs without losses.And the best of all is that you can add these different functions together to always meet your needs when patching.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
SALLEN KEY is our tribute of the legendary MS-20 filter. We've tried our best to honor this unique and iconic filter.It’s composed of a 2 Poles Low Pass and a 1 Pole High Pass. Unlike the original we added a crossfader allowing you to blend the Low Pass and High Pass filters to create complex filtering.What makes this filter special is its non linear feedback path. This design avoids the filter to clipping when self-oscillating, but also gives its unique color. We’ve choose to integrate LED’s instead of diodes. It not only slightly changes the color of the resonance, but also gives a nice feedback information about the drive of the resonance path.Since SALLEN KEY can self-oscillate it can be use as sound source. Tracking is accurate across 6 octaves.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
SAM-C is our first 0 HP module. To introduce this new range we wanted to take advantage of the benefits of passive modules. But we also wanted to incorporate as many features as possible. The result is SAM-C, a small module that takes up no space in your rack and can perform many simple but useful utility functions.SAM-C can be used as Attenuator, Multiple, Mixer and Crossfader.To learn more about SAM-C and discover our patch ideas, feel free to take a look at the manual below.DIY-Kit-Type:THT-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. Only trough-hole parts to solder. Make sure to check the build guide before you buy. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
As its name implies you could think that SLEW/LFO is just a Slew and a LFO packed together but its more than that.We wanted to design a module around the Slew generator which is an underestimate function of a synth. Its often seen and use as a way to make portamento but we've thought it could be more than that.We wanted to design a small module so it could fit in any case. We wanted it to be ergonomic and easy to use despite its size. But we also wanted to pack as much features as possible to make it a "swiss knife module".The result is SLEW/LFO: a 4 HP wide module, that can be used as portamento, AD envelope, LFO, VCO, Filter, Envelope generator and much more.SLEW/LFO is so versatile that we use it in all our patchs, we are very pleased about it and hope you'll like it as much as we are.DIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
VOLTAGE PROCESSOR have been designed to pack a lot of features in a small module.Here a some of the features you can achieve with VOLTAGE PROCESSOR. You can find how to setup those features in the manual below.Features:• Dual VCA• Stereo VCA• CV Crossfader 2:1• CV Crossfader 1:2• Dual AM• CV PAN• Dual Attenuator• Dual Inverter• Dual Offset generator• Dual Voltage generator• Dual Exponential converter• Logarithmic converter• Dual PWM• Dual CV overdrive• Dual waveshaper• Complex waveshaper• Dual RingMod• RindMod• Compressor• Sidechain compressorDIY-Kit-Type:SMD-Kit-1. This is a Do-It-Yourself kit, not an assembled module. The kit includes all parts to build the module. All SMD parts are pre-soldered, only trough-hole parts to solder. For build guide, more info, videos etc. please check the buttons below.
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